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Celebrate Sundays

Celebrate Sunday- Unity Through Community

Wheel Champion: Aimee & Matthew Blythe

Why we celebrate: Scripture displays Jesus followers and the masses gathered at Jesus feet on mountain tops, river banks, temples and homes.  People gathered together to see and hear what Jesus had to teach, but also to see lives healed and transformed. Jesus united people from all walks of life, He still does it today. Sunday mornings are opportunities for us to respond with expressions of joy and love for who He is. Church is not a check in the box.  The only thing getting checked is our heart.  Church services are not about what we receive, they are gatherings of celebrations which unite our hearts together through the good and the bad.


What can you Expect?  Sunday mornings at the Heights provides a comfortable milieu where adults can connect with new people, engage in fellowship & support of friends (enjoying life together), while discussing life issues and scripture relevance on world topics affecting the community. We walk with people through life challenges and sing praises of a God who loves us deeply.   Sunday’s foster the implementation of biblical instruction and structured play for children to feel loved and to be nourish.  As a church family we are united in order to GROW in our destinies and to GO and positively impact our immediate social strata in the West Plains area and beyond.


Luke 5:11 ESV, Luke 18:43 ESV, 1 Cor. 12:26-27 ESV, 2 Samuel 6:14, Psalm 33 Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 


Join us Sunday morning 9:30am.  Celebrate together, service together and do life together.

2.15.15 Part 1 of 4 Celebrate Sunday from The Heights on Vimeo.